I created my first website back in 1997. It contained some very silly bits about me and my friends, a page where I shared my views on my favorite music, a travel page where I detailed my trip around the world in 1996 and renditions of my musical travels, including a trip to Chicago in 1998 for the first, and to my knowledge last, worldwide Enuff Z'nuff fan convention. For a trip back in time you can check out my first website at the Web Archive.
In 2002, I created RevelationZ Magazine along with several friends, a music webzine dedicated to Heavy Metal and Hard Rock. It was a great journey to run this site for almost ten years, but in the end the site didn't become what I had envisioned. I decided to close down the site in 2011 and took a break, where I focused on a lot of other things. You can check out the original website here, and enjoy a bunch of inspired writings, all from the heart.
In 2012, I began to feel a strong urge to share my passion for music again, but I also wanted to write about movies, books and computer games. So here I am, at the dawn of the new RevelationZ website. You can read much more about the background of the site under the Mission Statement and Background Section.
I hope you enjoy your time here!
Mentally Yours,
Steen Jepsen (Mrs.)
PS: If you like the website or have any comments then you can contact me on the links below. I appreciate all feedback!
Update September 2020
Fast forward 8 years, to September 2020, and several life altering events have happened. The one most affecting the website, was my decision to quit my job for 16 years, and start my own business, back in June 2016. I now work as an IT Consultant and Developer at my company, IT Vision.
Along with starting the original RevelationZ Magazine website, meeting my wife and witnessing the birth of my daughter, it is one of the defining moments of my life. It has however seriously affected how much time I am able to spend on the website, and if you are a long time visitor, you will no doubt have noticed a steady decline in new articles.
I found it takes an enormous amount of time and effort to build a successful business. I am however, focused on having a good balance between work, family and hobbies. My main hobby is enjoying good entertainment, be it music, movies, games or books, and a fire always burns within, to share the joy I feel with others, so rest assured that I will never leave the website to die a slow death.
In all honesty, I haven't even finished programming the website to align with my original vision. I am writing this to let you know why updates have been coming very slowly in the past years. RevelationZ Magazine was my first baby, and though it was put on the back burner, when I started a family, it will always be an important part of my life, and in this new incarnation, I have the opportunity to write whenever I have time and feel for it, without the pressure from, and responsibility to, anyone but myself. And that suits me just fine.
So, all this is to give you an update on my life, and let you know, that I will be writing articles, whenever I find the time. If you have some ideas, request for a specific review, or wishes for the site in general, be sure to let me know. Your feedback is one of the sparks that ignite my desire to share my feelings in writing.
steen@revelationz.net - Facebook - Linkedin

Written By Steen
Online: Saturday, May 5, 2012
Updated: Saturday, September 5, 2020 - Added the September 2020 update
Legacy Comments
Wednesday, June 27, 2012 - Ehite
thanx steen, for restarting the website. I was a huge fan of the previous reincarnation, and was mortified when you closed the old site down. still i used to go to the old address, just out of habit..so imagine my surprise at seeing my beloved site return, in whatever capacity..hope you would keep up the good work!
Thursday, June 28, 2012 - Randy
Hi Steen Welcome back! missed your site Randy
Thursday, September 27, 2012 - Choppa
Steen, I very much admire you mate!! I'm also glad you're back, as i've followed this site for nearly the whole time you've been running it!! Its always been in my top 3 for metal news/reviews etc!! Good luck, I hope you smash it!!!! I'll be regularly checking in, Choppa
Tuesday, October 2, 2012 - Steen
Thanks man! That is really great to hear.