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Movies & TV - Quick Review - Taking Care Of Business


Taking Care Of Business

In One Word




Released By / Year

Buena Vista / 1990


Jimmy Dworski (James Belushi) wins a couple of tickets to a baseball game by calling in to a radio show. The only problem is that Jimmy is in prison and serving his last two days of his sentence. Jimmy, with the help of other in-mates, escapes to watch the game. Spencer Barnes (Charles Grodin) in the meantime is on a business weekend and loses a briefcase that contains cash, credit cards and keys to a mansion. Jimmy finds the case and sees the opportunity of a lifetime and starts to pose as Barnes. While the real Barnes is searching feverishly for his briefcase Jimmy is getting into trouble every where he turns. There is no avoiding the fact that the two will eventually meet.
(The above plot description was taken from Movie Collector -

Quick Review

James Belushi and Charles Grodin are great in this one. Especially Charles Grodin is brilliant as the frustrated business man, whose life is taken over by an escaped prisoner/baseball addict.

This is one of those small gems, I discovered by chance. It's clear to me when I watch a movie, where the actors have a good time, that is the case here and a feeling of fun pervades everything. Highly recommended viewing for optimum relaxation.

Online: Sunday, August 25, 2013
