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Movies & TV - Quick Review - Firefly: The Complete Series


Firefly: The Complete Series


Adventure / Science Fiction / TV Series / Western

Released By / Year

20th Century Fox / 2002

Quick Review

The most promising TV Series ever. Sadly cancelled halfway through the first season. I am still amazed at the sense of place, which was established so quickly. A great sense of humor and a great sense of adventure pervades the episodes. The world that Joss Whedon has created here has huge potential and for what it is, these episodes remain worth watching and re-watching. Then find the Serenity movie, which wraps up some of the plot threads left dangling.

I am one of many, who still hope that the series will be reborn and continued with the same cast, who were clearly a perfect match, made by inexplicable fortune, far far away in some distant galaxy. Yeah well, we all have dreams.

Written By Steen
Online: Sunday, August 25, 2013
Updated: Monday, October 25, 2013 -
