1: Deus Ex
2: System Shock 2 - Lost In Space
3: Ultima Underworld 2
4: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Thoughts on a Classic To Be
5: Thief
6: System Shock
7: Classic Text Adventure Masterpieces
8: Half Life
9: Might and Magic VI - The Mandate of Heaven - Rekindling the Fire (Magic) - A Review of a Classic RPG
10: Ultima V: Warriors of Destiny
11: Half Life 2
12: Bioshock
13: Thief 2
14: Carmageddon
15: The Secret of Monkey Island
16: Might and Magic III - Isles of Terra - Memoirs Of A Classic RPG
17: Deus Ex: Human Revolution - An Augmented Reality
18: Doom I & II
19: The Elder Scrolls IV - Oblivion
20: Gabriel Knight - Sins of The Fathers